In our search to keep the quality of our chairs high and to keep looking for better models in gamling chairs, we designed this chair as our new flagship.
It has an adjustable lumbar support instead of the foam backpillow and the headrest pillow is attachd with strong magnets instead of the straps. The headrest is also redesigned to fit this model and to give you even more comfort.
We have also made it easier to assamble with special designed features and side protection covers that can be mounted in just one click, without screws.
This model is concept at this time and we have seen and tested the chair ourselves in the factory. It is on its way to Belgium to test it even more and to show it to the customers on the lanparties . After this testing period, we will take it on stock (maybe with some finetuning on the end product, based on the feedback of our rental customers) and it will be available for end users.
We expect this model (similar to some high end brands) by april/may 2025